The Ultimate Guide to Good Sex: How to Have Good Sex According to Men

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When it comes to the topic of sex, there are endless opinions and advice on what makes for a satisfying and fulfilling experience. But what do men really think makes for good sex? We’ve talked to a variety of men to get their insights on what makes for a great sexual experience. From communication to confidence, here’s what men have to say about how to have good sex.

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Communication is Key

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One of the most common themes that emerged from our conversations with men was the importance of communication in having good sex. Many men emphasized the need for open and honest communication with their partners about their desires, boundaries, and preferences. They stressed the importance of feeling comfortable and safe enough to openly discuss what they enjoy in the bedroom.

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"Good sex is all about communication," said one man we spoke to. "I want my partner to feel comfortable enough to tell me what feels good and what doesn’t. I want to be able to do the same."

Another man echoed this sentiment, saying, "I want to know that my partner feels comfortable enough to communicate with me about what she wants. It’s a two-way street, and communication is key."

Confidence is Sexy

When it comes to good sex, confidence is a major turn-on for many men. They emphasized the importance of feeling desired and confident in themselves and their abilities in the bedroom.

"Confidence is a huge part of good sex," one man told us. "I want my partner to feel sexy and confident in herself. It’s a major turn-on for me."

Another man shared, "I want my partner to be confident in her desires and her body. It makes the whole experience so much better when she’s confident and comfortable in herself."

Exploration and Variety

Many men expressed the desire for variety and exploration in the bedroom. They emphasized the importance of trying new things and keeping the sexual experience exciting and fresh.

"I think good sex is about being open to trying new things and exploring different aspects of our sexuality," said one man. "I want to feel like my partner is open to trying new things and keeping things interesting."

Another man added, "Variety is key for me. I want to feel like we’re both open to exploring different aspects of our sexuality and keeping things exciting."

Emotional Connection

In addition to physical satisfaction, many men also highlighted the importance of an emotional connection in having good sex. They emphasized the need for feeling emotionally connected to their partner and feeling a sense of intimacy and closeness during the sexual experience.

"For me, good sex is about feeling emotionally connected to my partner," one man shared. "I want to feel that sense of intimacy and closeness during the experience."

Another man echoed this sentiment, saying, "An emotional connection is a huge part of good sex for me. I want to feel that sense of closeness and intimacy with my partner."


Ultimately, good sex is a subjective and personal experience, and what makes for a satisfying sexual encounter can vary from person to person. However, the insights shared by men offer valuable perspectives on what contributes to a fulfilling sexual experience. From communication and confidence to exploration and emotional connection, these insights can serve as a guide for anyone looking to enhance their sexual experiences. By prioritizing open communication, confidence, variety, and emotional connection, individuals can work towards creating and maintaining a fulfilling and satisfying sex life.